Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 4,2009

Dear Diary,

Today I am going to Karen's house at 6:00 pm sharp. Kyra, Aaliyah, Chiqui and Lucy were there, but Aaliyah and Kyra, were just going to stay for a while. We talked about Cecillia problems. I was the only Walburga there, no one except me. We were laughing and acting as news reporters. When it was cookie making and decorating time, we had so much fun I got a dress and a flower, I was the winner so did lucy and Karen. Aaliyah's cookie dress looks like a pizza, and Kyra's cooking dress looked like a messed Belle Dress. But we had fun. We watched TV shows. And Aaliyah and Kyra went home that night. The 4 of us went upstairs and watched High School Musical What's What edition. We were having fun answering the questions. Then, we took a bath. I was with lucy. We were pressing buttons, it was so fun. There was a radio in the shower. Then, we put on our pajamas. But we ate dinner of course. Our dinner was pasta, barbecue and leche flan. SOOOOOO, Amazing. Then we made a group called Sweet Food. We had codenames too. We had so much fun we slept 2:00 am in the morning.